Interpretation - Course # 314-3
- The previous slides presented the five-steps of rhythm analysis. These five steps must be followed regardless of how simple of complex the tracing is you are reviewing.
- The information gathered in these steps are telling a story.
- The title of that story is the interpretation.
Junctional Dysrhythmias Background
- The dysrhythmias in this category occur as a result of a problem where either the SA node fails to initiate the electrical impulse to begin the cardiac complex or the AV node rate of automaticity is firing faster than the SA node and it takes over as the “pacemaker” of the heart.
This can happen for a number of reasons. Stress, fatigue, diet & disease are the chief culprits.
How to use this module.
This module is organized into a series of lessons. These lessons are listed on the right side of the content area. To navigate to a lesson, either
click on the lesson name or use the arrows at the bottom right. Each lesson contains several slides. These slides are lists with tabs
that appear above each slide. To navigate to a slide, either click on the tab or use the gray arrows that appear on the left and right sides of the slides.
Within the lesson are questions. These questions are used to reinforce key concepts, but they are not used for scoring or grading. After
completing this module, we encourage you to use our drills and quizzes to practice what you have learned. Finally, after completing most or all of
the modules, you might try our EKG Graded Quizzes to test your knowledge.
Our affiliated website, Practical Clinical Skills, provides additional drills and quizzes with certifcates of achievement. If you have an account, then your signin name and password will
work on that website as well. Click here for EKG contents and apps at Practical Clinical Skills.
314 Interpretation - Course # 314-3