Learn EKG Interpretation

Learn EKG using the our teaching modules. Each module includes lecture materials as well as interactive question and answer exercises.

Rhythm Interpretation

The fundamental concepts and practices for interpreting EKGs are established in this module. Interactive exercises reinforce the materials presented.

Rhythm Analysis Module »

Sinus Rhythms

This module focuses on the morphologic features and qualifying criteria of sinus rhythms.

Sinus Rhythms Module »

Atrial Rhythms

Beginning with a review of rhythm analysis fundamentals, this presentation covers atrial rhythms focusing on morphologic features and qualifying criteria.

Atrial Rhythms Module »

Junctional Rhythms Module

After a brief review of cardiac rhythm analysis, this module focuses on the morphologic features and qualifying criteria of junctional rhythms.

Junctional Rhythms Module »

Heart Block Rhythms Module

Our heart block rhythms modules begins with a review of rhythm analysis, then covers the morphologic features and qualifying criteria.

Heart Block Rhythms Module »

Ventricular Rhythms Module

After a brief review of cardiac rhythm analysis, this module focuses on the morphologic features and qualifying criteria of ventricular rhythms.

Ventricular Rhythms Module »

Pacemaker Rhythms Module

This pacemaker rhythms module reviews EKG rhythm analysis, followed by a presentation of morphologic features and qualifying criteria.

Pacemaker Rhythms Module »

12-Lead ECG Axis

Learn the fundamentals of electrical axis determination and axis deviation.

12 Lead Axis Module »

Performing 12-Lead

Learn how to take 12 lead ECG, including preparation, application of electrodes and handling artifact.

Performing ECGs »

Bundle Branch Block

Learn to recognize the morphologic features and criteria for complete left or right bundle branch block. Practice exercises available.

Bundle Branch Block »

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Learn 12 lead ECG as it relates to left ventricular hypertrophy. Practice exercises.

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy »

Ischemia, Injury & Infarction

Learn the fundamentals of 12 lead ECG including views, heart anatomy, indicative & reciprocal views. Practice recognizing ECG changes caused by STEMI.

Ischemia, Injury & Infarction »

Einthonven's Triangle

Learn the the fundamentals of Einthoven's Triangle. Lessons with questions and answers.

Cardiac Monitoring »

EKG Terms

Learn basic EKG terminology in a few minutes.

EKG Waves - An Intro »